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Written by Clary Frost and Alexa Ferris

Thorn and Rose are trapped. Trapped in a world of tests. They are lab rats; nothing more than numbers. Thorn, longing to discover the outside world and Rose, longing for her friend. 

Tragedy hits when Thorn is sent away to an unknown area. Rose’s hope is burning out fast as some kind of disease eats inside of her.  Is there a way out from their nightmares?


100% Complete


Written by Clary Frost and Alexa Ferris

With the past events of the terror of the government behind them, Thorn and Ivy along with the rest of the Gang head out into the world with their future uncertain. They stumble upon a village and Thorn hopes to place her past behind her, while Ivy discovers new evidence about her cloudy childhood with her sister, Blackberry. 

But there is no rest for the wanted lab rats, the government attempts to take down each escapee one painful piece at a time. The past becomes their present and the faces of the dead are looming closer. Thorn and Ivy are forced to pick either to hide from their past lives or to fight for their future. 


15 of the 35 chapters complete; 43% complete


Written by Clary Frost and Alexa Ferris

Coming Soon

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